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FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government
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General Banking

Are my deposit accounts FDIC insured?
All funds in a "non-interest bearing transaction account" are insured in full by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation from December 31, 2010 through December 31, 2012. This temporary unlimited coverage is in addition to, and separate from, the coverage of at least $250,000 available to depositors under the FDIC's general deposit insurance rules. For more information about FDIC coverage, visit
What is Citizens National Bank's routing number?
Citizens National Bank's routing number is 091202325.
How do I set up a new direct deposit?
To set up a direct deposit you need to contact the company or agency that will be depositing the funds. They will need Citizens National Bank's routing number and the account number that the funds will be deposited into.
How do I make an automatic payment?
To set up an automatic payment from your Citizens account, you will need to give your account information to the company that is withdrawing the funds. For example, if you want your utility bill to be paid automatically each month, you would need to authorize the utility company and provide them with the bank routing number and your account information.
How do I cancel an automatic payment?
To cancel an automatic payment you need to contact the company you authorized to withdraw the funds.
How soon are funds available after a transfer?
Funds transferred between Citizens National Bank accounts are available immediately. Funds from pre-authorized electronic transfers of government payroll or benefit payments, such as Social Security, will be made available on the payment date. For transfers made through external financial institutions, the funds usually are not available as quickly. Generally, they are available the next business day after the day of the deposit (e.g., if the scheduled transfer date is Monday, Tuesday is the day of the deposit, and the funds are available on Wednesday).
Is there a cut off time for transactions?
Monday – Thursday the cut off time for transactions is 4:30 P.M. (CDT). Any deposits made after 4:30 will be processed with the next day's business. On Friday the cut off time is 5:00 P.M.
What should I do if my Shazam Debit Card is stolen?
If your Shazam Debit Card has been stolen, please report it immediately. During regular banking hours you can call Citizens at (218) 732-3393 or after hours call Shazam at 1-800-383-8000.
Can I change my Personal Identification Number (PIN) on my Debit /ATM Card?
Yes. You can call the bank at (218) 732-3393 and speak to a New Accounts Representative. They will give you an 8-digit code that enables you to change your PIN

Online Banking

How do I enroll in Online Banking?
There is an application you can pick up at the bank or you can submit it online. Online Banking Application
How secure is Online Banking?
All of your transactions occur in a secure environment utilizing 128-bit encryption. That means your password, as well as information relating to you and your accounts, is protected.
What if I forget my password?
You can call Citizens National Bank and get it reset. The number is (218)732-3393. There is a self reset process if it is after banking hours, and that link can be found on the Online Banking login page.
What are the features and benefits of Online Banking?
Online Banking allows you to view account information, view and print images of your checks and deposits, transfer funds between Citizens National Bank accounts, and make loan payments. You can also download account history into a personal finance program such as QuickBooks or MS Money.
Can I transfer funds between my accounts?
Yes. You can transfer funds between your accounts at Citizens National Bank.
How do I sign up for Citizens National Bank E-Statements?
Log on to your online banking, select E-Statements from the blue banner at the top of the page and follow the directions from there. After enrolling for E-Statements you will receive an e-mail informing you that your Enhanced Statement is ready. Click the attachment and use your Online Banking Log on ID and Log On PIN to view, print or save your E-Statement.

Online Bill Pay

How do I sign up for Citizens National Bank Online Bill Pay?
An application and signature are required to sign up for online bill pay. Please contact a New Accounts Representative for more information (218) 732-3393.
Can I pay anyone?
Any person or company in the United States to whom you can send a check for payment is eligible for payment through online bill pay.
Can I cancel or place a stop payment on a bill payment?
Yes, if the payment has not been processed or the paper check has not yet posted to the checking account, you have the ability to modify or cancel the item. After selecting the Bill Payment tab in your online banking, click on "Main" at top of the page. It will show your scheduled payments. Next, in the "Select Option" drop down box choose delete.
If there are not sufficient funds to cover a scheduled bill payment, what will happen?
The bill payment will not be generated if there are non-sufficient funds. However, unless you cancel your scheduled bill payment it will continue to attempt to process. If your payment is sent and your account becomes overdrawn before the item clears, it will be treated like any NSF (Non-Sufficient Fund) item.
What determines if my payment is sent electronically or by check to my payee?
Electronic payments are determined by the ability of the payee to receive electronic payments and if they have agreed to receive electronic payments. If they do not accept electronic payments a check will be mailed.
How long does a check payment take to arrive using online bill pay?
If a check is mailed please allow 3-5 business days for the payee to receive payment.

Mobile Banking

What are the features of Mobile Banking?
You can pay bills, transfer funds between your Citizens National Bank accounts, check balances, view recent transactions, locate branch locations and ATMs, contact customer service, and check local weather forecasts.
What is the difference between Mobile Banking and Online Banking?
There are a few functions that can be done online but not on your mobile device. These include changing your contact information & resetting your user name.
Is Mobile Banking as secure as Online Banking?
Yes. All of the security currently in place with Internet Banking remains intact. The information being passed through the site is encrypted to further protect your data.
What kind of mobile device is required for this service?
Any mobile device that supports web browsing functionality can be used. Smartphones will also allow you to view individual check images.
Is Mobile Banking free?
Yes! Citizens National Bank does not charge for your usage of the website, but charges from your mobile carrier may apply depending on your plan.
How do I download CNB's Mobile Banking Apps?
  1. On your mobile device, (phone, tablet etc.) go to the App Store.

    Apple devices (App Store)
    Android devices (Play Store - formerly Android Market Place)
    Amazon devices (Amazon App Store)
  2. Search for CNB Mobile Banking Park Rapids
  3. Choose install to download the App on your device.
How do I access Mobile Banking?
Simply open our app on your phone and log in using your Online Banking username and password. (You must be an existing Online Banking customer to access Mobile Banking.)

Credit Cards

Can I pay my Citizens National Bank credit card bill online?
Yes. You can pay your bill online by visiting
How do I use my Citizens National Bank credit card to pay off other department store cards and credit cards?
If you want to do a balance transfer on your card, you need to bring the statements or bills into the bank for the other cards. We can run the transfer on our credit card processing machine to pay off those accounts.
How do I take a cash advance on my credit card?
You can do a cash advance on your credit card by taking it to any bank with a credit card processing machine. Fees may apply.
What do I do if my credit card is lost or stolen?
If your credit card is lost or stolen, please report it to Visa immediately. Their number is 1-800-423-7503 and can be reached 24 hours a day.
Is my account information available online?
Yes. You can view your account information at


What information do I need when applying for a home loan?
At your first appointment you aren't required to bring anything with you, but to speed up the process you are encouraged to assemble information regarding your income, assets and liabilities. Some of the information needed includes:
  • Proof of your identity – usually a driver's license or other government issued identification.
  • Income Tax Returns– tax returns for the previous 2 years; 3 years for first time home buyers
  • Pay stub – most recent pay stub for all borrowers; must contain at least 30 days of year to date earnings
  • Bank statements – two most recent months bank statements for Savings and Checking accounts
All applicants and borrowers will be required to provide the above information.
How much house can I afford?
Each person's situation is unique and there are many different factors that determine the price of home you can afford. Check out our mortgage calculators to give you a general idea of your financial situation, or stop in and visit with one of our loan officers who can help you find the solution that is right for you.
Should I refinance?
There are many things to take into consideration when thinking about refinancing. A loan officer can help you review your financial situation and decide if refinancing is the right option.
What is a credit score?
A credit score is one of the tools that help determine the amount of risk a bank incurs by lending a person money or providing them with a service. A higher credit score generally equates to less risk.
How can I obtain my annual credit report?
You are entitled to one free credit report annually from each of the three credit bureaus; TransUnion, Experian and Equifax. This report can be obtained by visiting Your free credit reports do not include a credit score. The credit bureaus will charge you a fee if you want to see your score.
A young woman looking at her smartphone and smiling

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